How you can get PAID to move to one of the most beautiful regions in the world: Tuscany offers to give £25,000 to people if they relocate there

New Photo - How you can get PAID to move to one of the most beautiful regions in the world: Tuscany offers to give £25,000 to people if they relocate there
How you can get PAID to move to one of the most beautiful regions in the world: Tuscany offers to give £25,000 to people if they relocate there

Forget paying to have a holiday in Tuscany - now you can get paid for enjoying life there. Tuscany's regional authorities have announced they will pay people up to £25,000 (€30,000/$32,000) to relocate to mountain towns. The new Residency in the Mountains (Residenzialita in Montagna) programme is offering people grants ranging from €10,000 to €30,000 (£8,470- £25,000) to help cover the costs of purchasing and renovating a home. Tuscany has allocated a total of €2.
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