The chilling childhood clues that my dad was a serial killer: From brutally slaying the kitten he'd bought me to a macabre visit to a murder scene - but it would be years before I realised the horrifying truth

New Photo - The chilling childhood clues that my dad was a serial killer: From brutally slaying the kitten he'd bought me to a macabre visit to a murder scene - but it would be years before I realised the horrifying truth

The chilling childhood clues that my dad was a serial killer: From brutally slaying the kitten he'd bought me to a macabre visit to a murder scene - but it would be years before I realised the horrifying truth

Everyone said Dad's was the best barbecue chicken they'd ever tasted. The adults would sit around drinking beer and pop, and the kids and Scottie – Dad's little terrier dog — would tear around the farm, playing hide-and-seek and chasing chickens. And Dad was always in the centre, holding court at the grill in his Bermuda shorts – this was 1970s America, after all. He was happy and funny when he had an audience, in his element as a real family man.
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